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Spring and summer offer ideal weather for a family picnic. This activity is a perfect spontaneous plan to enjoy the outdoors, keeping your older kids active while you relax, or feed and sleep your baby. Here we give you our best tips to really enjoy picnics with your little ones!

Choosing the perfect spot!

Opt for a location that’s both safe and fun. Look for parks with plenty of shade or trees, available picnic tables might be nice but certainly not a must, and ideally away from busy roads to add safety and to avoid pollution and noise. Playgrounds or quiet grassy areas are perfect for letting children play freely and relax. Also consider your toddler’s toilet needs if you are busy with potty training. It’s helpful to have access to a coffee bar where you eventually could use the restroom. If you have a travel potty, then you have already solved it!

What to bring

  • If you’re breastfeeding or pumping, our Nursing Cocoon provides a private and comfortable environment for you and your baby, helping you feed without stress, avoiding direct sunlight, and with fewer distractions for your baby.

Mom wears Nursing Cocoon in color Deep Blue

  • Pack a variety of healthy snacks in our Yummy Bags. These reusable bags are perfect for carrying fruits, nuts, baby purées and more, keeping everything fresh, accessible for little hands and free of annoying leaks in your bag. So convenient!

  • In warm weather, pack your food and drinks in insulated bags with a cold pack. For pumping moms, use our Yummy Bags for an easy solution to carry frozen breastmilk or baby purees. Just place them in the bag and let the food defrost gradually while you’re out and about.

Little girl is using our Yummy Bag in color Aspen

  • Hats, sunscreen, and (do not laugh, I am not joking) an umbrella! If you have a little baby and want to lay him down on the grass, just a small umbrella opened on the ground can provide enough shade!

  • Picnic blanket! Remember that this will be the most bulky item you should bring. Pick a thin and lightweight blanket, one that you can throw in the washing machine when you get home will help you have more frequent picnics.


Bring along child-friendly activities such as a frisbee, a bubble blast, or a ball, or let them collect small natural items such as flowers, leaves, and stones. Consider organizing a ‘nature scavenger hunt’ to add a bit of adventure. As a pro parent tip, you can use this activity to help your little one leave the park without a fuss. Instead of saying “now we are going home”, try ‘”let’s look for some nature treasures on our way home!”

Leave no trace

It’s crucial to clean up before you leave. Ensure everything is picked up, bring our reusable products so you will generate less trash, and leave the spot as beautiful as you found it! Teaching children the importance of this responsibility helps cultivate respect for nature. Get your little one involved!

Dad pouring breast milk from Yummy Bag into baby bottle

Picnicking with your children is a wonderful experience. By doing a little and  choosing  the right location, you’ll create lovely memories, and best of all, this plan costs nothing!

At Baby on the Move we are dedicated to develop products for your Big & Small adventures.

Lots of love,


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I’m the super proud mom of Margot, Kasper and Basile 3 wonderful kids who have made me realize what’s important in life and made me even more passionate! I’m a former language and speech therapist turned goldsmith turned entrepreneur. I grew up in Belgium, discovered my love for traveling during an internship in Suriname, and ended up becoming a mom in South Africa. I was lucky to find my soulmate in Mikael, who supports my dreams and challenges me to make some bold moves. I manage Baby on the Move on a full-time basis, develop our strategy and design our products.